For Zion's Sake Israel lives!
UK Baronnes Jenny Tonge: "The Constant Accusation of Anti-Semetism to Silence Israel's critics is vindictive."
How legitimate criticism of Israeli policy and treatment of Palestinians and other Arab countries is automatically labeled as Anti-Semetism by mainstream media
How Israel Made AIPAC
How Israel Made AIPAC podcast What exactly is AIPAC and where does it come from? Who founded AIPAC, and when? What did AIPAC’s founder do before creating a lobby for Israel in the U.S.? What happened when he ran into trouble with the Senate and Department of Justice? How does AIPAC history inform us about foreign influence on U.S. political campaigns and American Middle East policy today? Those are questions we answer in this thirteen-episode podcast.
IR MEP's invaluable Deep dive into the history and origins of AIPAC, American Israel Political Action Committee, the largest Israel lobbying group in America that has greatly influenced American politicians, dictated U.S. Foreign policy, Middle East policy and affects the way Americans, view and interact with Israel and Palestine and how the lobby's influences can be found well beyond the political arena into the academic and societal realms.
Rupert Murdoch and the Jews *On the media mogul's hidden anti-semetic rants
Why does the media see the battle between Hamas and Israel as even one when it isn't?
Read here
How to sell illegal Israeli settlements to Americans
Israel uses Thought Police for Pro-Israel support
East Jerusalem home demoliations & Settlers
Berkeley Boycotts Israeli goods at local Safeway
Settlements allowed to expand
Israel First on Campus
Israel Lobby, its largest organization being American Israeli Public Affairs Committee or AIPAC, is a conglomerate of pro-Israel activists ranging from neoconservative lobbyists, rightwing pundits & talk show hosts, famous religious personalities, media consultants, image makers, think tanks, conservative artists, activists, etc all working to promote a pro-Israel, pro-special relationship between Israel & U.S. and at continously pro defense & anti-terror U.S. Foreign Policy and crush any legitimate critiscisms of Israeli government & policy toward Palestine & its neighbors. Regardless of International Law, constitutional rights or history, Israel Lobby has been a taboo word in U.S. politics since 1948 because of the fear of drawing controversary for the large influence many pro-Israel organizations and lobbyists carry in the senate and Congress on matters concerning Israel. From the recent war & massacres in Gaza to continual home demolitions in occupied Palestine on a weekly basis and mass construction of more illegal settlements and Jews only roads, congressional bills critical of Israeli government & state, demanding the human rights of Palestinians be respected, end of military aid to Israel, end of military occupation all 1967 territories and respect for International Law and Criticism of Zionism & Israel's treatment of its Palestinian minorities within Israel proper, any attempt to criticize Israel, its racial discrimination, its policies toward the Palestinians and demonization of Arabs in Israeli media, culture & society has been labeled as automatic anti-semetism by Israel Firsters before the critics of Zionism & lobby and supporters of Palestinian rights have had their say.
Since September 11, numerous neoconservative organizations and pundits as Daniel Pipes & Martin Kramer, have monitored many campuses across the U.S. and Europe for what the pundits consider, "any anti-Israeli bias, propaganda and academia." Both professors and students are equally scrunitized for academic work, projects and programs that seek to tell Palestinian, Middle Eastern, and even North African history, stories, culture and challenege universities and on campus communities with a different view of the Arab and Muslim worlds outside of the War on Terror and pro-Israel conservavtive media outlets and organizations. Some prominent professors, DePaul University's Norman Finklestein have been denied tenured because of pro-Israel groups such as Campus Watch demonizing any criticism of the Israeli government, its policies toward the Palestinians and views of Arabs as anti-semetism. Other professors have been wrongly and falsly accused of anti-semetism. Among the accused are late Edward Said, professor and author for Colombia University, and John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt, International Relations Professor at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. Both Mearsheimer and Walt are joint authors of the renown book the Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy.
International Academic Friends of Israel
Against the Cultural and Academic boycott of Israel by worldwide universities and colleges protesting against continual apartheid policies of Israel, its occupation and human rights violations and horrendous treatment of Palestinians.
Zionist Freedom Alliance
Campus Watch
Israel Academic Monitor
Monitors both Israeli universities, newspapers, writers and others for anti-Israeli content in their writings. Writers and artisits are also included...
On the write Side
Columbia Unbecoming Site monitoring anti-Israeli bias at Columbia University
Write for IsraelAdvocacy for high school students!
Stand with Us
Advocacy organization working with university students to promote Israel and its interests on campuses
Stand With Us blog
Stand with Us International
Stand 4 Facts
A registered members only website
Birthright Israel
Offers free trips to Israel for students who are Jewish and encourages Christians, Congressmen, politicians etc to visit Israel via fact finding trips. Does not mention the ongoing Israeli military occupation or Palestinan lives in the occupied Palestine. Palestinian Israelis are labeled as Israeli Arabs
Scholars for Peace in Middle East
Academics for Israel UK
Caravan for Democracy
Part of Jewish National Fund for university students
Otherside of the Coin
Israel on Campus Coalition
The Israel Project or TIP
The Magnum Opus and Golden Nugget of all of Israel's supporters and Firsters.
TIP has literally created its own Pro-Israel friendly homebase to fight for Israel, particulary Israeli government's behalf tooth and nail.
It continues to promote the user friendly and "good side" of Jewish state in International News and Affairs though the world does not follow the status quo of all Israelis are peaceful and everyone else in Middle East are dangerous or threats to western society any longer. Despite the world's changed view of Israel, TIP continues to promote Netanyhu and government's policies both foreign and domestic dealing with Palestinians, wider Arab neighborhood and world, Iran and European countries and U.S. as fundamentally necessary for the war on terror and Israeli security.
TIP even has and publishes its own Middle East Glossary and dictionary for use by journalists, pundits and lay people who do not
understand the conflict or wish to see Israel's point of view also includes Zionist terms.
The Israel Project's Middle East Glossary
Expert sources
- Jews
- No mention of the West Bank separation barrier or Apartheid Wall, home demolitions, uprooting of olive trees, or Palestinians in the occupied territories waiting hours to pass throughmilitary checkpoints in many study abroad brochures
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