"Necrophilous" Part 4
From the independent documentary series Counter-Intelligence examining the recent and historical origins of the role of violence, racism and psychological warfare in US Foreign Policy in Asia and Latin America including the Middle East. The rest of Counter Intelligence can be viewed here.
Dehumanization, desensitization and distance: makes viewers unmoved to by "bad news" from abroad
Manufacturing Consent: Benard Henri Levy and war
Bernard Henri-Levy, the French "new philosopher" selling military adventures of Global Elite
Cult of killing and Symbolic Order of Western Barbarism
Burning bodies does constitute a war crime:
Recently released graphic photos from the 2004 Siege and battle of Fallujah show American soldiers burning the bodies of Iraqi insurgents and even posing next to Iraqi skeletons. The photos were released by TMZ.
Hollywood and CIA: Covert Politics
Screen Propaganda, Hollywood and CIA
Dangerous Games: Why is the West Criticizing Sochi games, bashing Vladimir Putin
Journalism, floods and Climate Change: Bias towards power is corporate media
Manufacturing Consent: Benard Henri Levy and war
Bernard Henri-Levy, the French "new philosopher" selling military adventures of Global Elite
Cult of killing and Symbolic Order of Western Barbarism
Burning bodies does constitute a war crime:
Recently released graphic photos from the 2004 Siege and battle of Fallujah show American soldiers burning the bodies of Iraqi insurgents and even posing next to Iraqi skeletons. The photos were released by TMZ.
Hollywood and CIA: Covert Politics
Screen Propaganda, Hollywood and CIA
Dangerous Games: Why is the West Criticizing Sochi games, bashing Vladimir Putin
Journalism, floods and Climate Change: Bias towards power is corporate media
Making killing machines into "Cool gadgets and awesome machinery"
The Legendary Kalashnikov via RT
The world's most well known defense machine AK 47 created by its namesake ex Russian general Mikhail Kalashnikov whose recent passing a few days before Christmas has both stunned and relieved millions of people around the world who had first hand experience with his machine. Its origins based on defending soldiers in battles when he himself was injured during a gunfight in world war 2 and why its still regarded as the weapon of choice for most of the world including rebel groups to special elite forces.Rise of the Drones on NOVA program PBS
Some defense companies and American military hope that drones can replace infantry and military airmen in the future to reduce the cost of human deaths (soldiers) and equipment. Drones are regarded as a cost effective way of overcoming an expensive military budget. The drones appropriately named "Reaper" ie Grim Reaper (Death) and "Predator" loaded with Hell Fire missiles are controlled from trailers and other buildings by American military men and women with a video game like joystick via satellite. But it comes at a high expense to civilians in the countries it is used in. The future use of drones have been dubbed, "Terminator Planet"
Anybody's son will do 1983 Pt 1
A documentary on how military and other armed forces recruiters overlook or sugar coat warfare and actual life in the military when recruiting young men and women. Many new recruits have had a rude awakening once entering the force. The remaining parts can be watched hereThe Other side of American Democracy
The US has long prides itself on having an exceptional Democracy one that has not been changed or collapsed through foreign occupation or outside pressure. The US Constitution is over 200 years old and its amendments has changed due to a combination of social unrest, movements and nation wide protest. For the most part, the political system has remained stable even in political tensions that would lead to coups or military takeovers in other countries. There has not been any dictators or regimes equivalent to the fascist regimes in Europe in pre and post War years sitting in DC or other states. However for all the pat on the back that Americans give themselves for having "the greatest Democracy in the world," the rights and humanity of some American citizens have been ignored by the very system and institutions set up to protect them from government violations of human rights, violent discrimination and opposition to them. For the constant championing of being "a nation of immigrants," for decades immigrants from Southern Europe, Latin America (Central and South America), Asia and Africa were discriminated against on a local and national bases in the workplace, schools, media imagery which aided in alienating and demonizing immigrants as not only swamping the US education and health services but in the age old context of "them not following our way of life nor comprehending our values and society." Even religious minorities such as Jews and Catholics were negatively discriminated against and treated as existential threats within the US society which was a Protestant majority country for most of its history until 1800s. JFK, remains the US' only Catholic president and also faced discrimination for being Irish as a child in Boston. Despite being new money in the 1920s, the Kennedys found Boston to be a hostile place so much so that the Kennedys relocated to New York. When Republican candidate Mitt Romney ran in the 2004 Presidential elections, he also found American society equally skeptical of his religion Mormonism. Some voters outright said they would not vote for a Mormon president. Despite women and African Americans' enshrined rights, women still face violence on the streets, schools and homes in addition to machismo that subtly fills the media and culture across the US. The mainstream media and white American often accuse African Americans and other Americans of color of playing the race card or seeking racial entitlements for rightfully demanding further equal rights and protection against institutionalize racism.
Help the US to comply with International Law
Children in American Prisons
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Young prisoner learning in prison |
Prime Time Juvenile Prisons
Protest against child prisoners from Iraq and Afghanistan imprisoned in American military camps
Stone Cold Justice: Israel abuses and torture Palestinian children than use them to gather intelligence on Palestinian groups in the occupied territories
The Origins of the World Citizen and Pacificism
JFK, Civil Rights and Internationalism
East New York City square renamed African Burial Grounds
European cultural imperialism in Neo Colonial Societies: The Non universal nuclear family
African Americans must pursue their full human rights
The colorblind being led by the blind
Top 10 Countries to be a woman: 100 Women
Since when? Gay rights the Sochi Olympics
Strange Color Revolution: More "Gay Protests" at Russia's Sochi OlympicsSochi: Bringing Olympic Spirit back to the Games
A photo gallery of Sochi's Olympic site
No talk of Gay rights please, we're Olympians
Shoot the President: 50 Year Anniversary of the JFK Assassination
50 years has passed since President John F. Kennedy was killed in Dallas. However, the Kennedys still remain the most popular of Presidencies and first family. The assassination of JFK one of the first televised shootings of a public official and confusing events at the time, has spawned its own conspiracy theories for decades. The image of the lone gunman (as Lee Harvery Oswalkd came to symbolized) was still uncommon and unheard of in the media. In the 1960s, Oswald was an unusual assassin not the general rule. Violence in the US was not at the level it would be today. Gun violence was also not at an alarming rate.
The Brothers Dulles: The Architects of Modern US Foreign Policy
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Allen Dulles |
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John Foster Dulles |
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Famed artist and/muralist Diego Riviera interprets Dulles' Foreign Policy in Latin America and abroad |
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American children with guns part of a scouts training against terrorists read here. Children playing junior policemen or cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, etc are part of every American child's "growing up" in the States considered as normal games. However these kids in the photo are part of a border patrol training program for teenagers and young adults. |
In the context of the war on terror: American christian and right wing fundamentalist have no regard for human life, America's gun culture creates a breeding ground for terrorists going back decades and Americans have been killing their own people (including women and children) long before many dictators and militant groups in the Middle East and Africa.
America's Child soldiers: The Junior ROTC and Militarization of American children
Systematic integration Military Power: Obama's National Security State
The Whole Imperialist Soldiery against One Man'
Aurora shooting: What's Wrong with White Men?
Desperate mother shot dead by police
During the first week of the Government shutdown, Mariam Carey a depressed mother and dental hygienist who was laid off the previous month led the Capital and DC police on a high speed chase from the White House to Congress located on Capitol Hill. Like the Navy Yard shooter, she was originally born in Brooklyn, NY but moved to Connecticut after high school. She was fired from her job as a dental hygienist in her hometown in Stamford, Connecticut. Many Americans are laid off from their jobs each year. Depending on the person's anger, their actions are usually peaceful or vengeful. Losing a job is devastating for many people without mental problems. It leads to high stress especially for workers who have children or large debts to pay. It makes a person also feel shame that they are not financially independent and must either rely on the government or others for financing. In the US, people are taught from the crib that one develops best through independence financial and social. Anger from job lost and a feeling of failure adds to daily frustrations. Both depressed and fearing that the President was monitoring her, Mariam Carey drove from her home in Stamford, CT to Washington, DC with her eighteen month old baby daughter. She went first the the main barricade leading to the White House's main entrance where she exchanges some words with secret service than drove at high speed a mile and half from the White House down Pennsylvania Ave to Congress in a high speed chase that was treated more as a threat to the city and the politicians. At Capitol Hill, Carey was cornered briefly by capital police who tried to force open her car door only to speed off again perhaps out of fear of being shot at by police. She was shot dead when her car came to a second final stop by police. Her daughter is now without a mother. Despite being seen as an "isolated incident" by police, Carey was treated as a potential terrorist throughout the ordeal that lasted less than an hour. A bomb squad was later sent to her house to inspect an envelope left on the living room floor with a sugary type substances.
Nasser al Al Awlaki to Obama: "Why did you kill my U.S. born son and grandson in drone strikes?"
A Family Terror: Tsarnaevs and Boston Bombing
The State killing of Ibragim Todashev: In connection with the Boston Bombing suspects
Tsarneav parents speak with son for 1st time via phone
American woman killed fighting with Syrian insurgents
When terrorism isn't terrorism: 3 gunmen shot 19 people in New Orleans isn't terrorism
Tsarnaev brothers why did "The Week" draw them in Brownface?
Gulag America? War on Terror has dismantled freedoms across the country
Homeland Security defense: making war on Americans
The Tangled meaning and misuses (abuses) of radicalization
Bomb suspect's uncle, "No one wants to associate with this evil"
No one wants bury Boston Bombing suspect Tamerlane Tsarnaev. The city of Cambridge where he lived said no most of the funeral homes in the state said no. Most protesters outside the funeral home do not want him buried on US soil. It is not easy to fly the body back to Dagestan either.
Massachusetts funeral director considers burial offers
Bombs from Boston to Baghdad: What's the value of a human life?
UN Special Rappatour on Human Right in Palestine & International Law Emeritus Professor Richard Falk: Commentary on the Boston Murders
Boston bombs produced familiar and revealing reactions
Boston Cowardice and America the Blind
Domestic Terrorist Threat in America
Let's Hope the Boston Bomber is White American
The Double Standards of White terrorism, white privilege & heinous crime and scapegoating whole ethnic groups, peoples and nations
Real Talk American terrorism
Post racial society: only for Liberals!
The Religious, Social crisis and Political consequences
The Ultimate Logic of a Society built on Mass murder
Freedom Rider: Killing Children
Newtown kids v. Yemeni and Pakistanis: Why the difference in disparate reactions?
The author asks the question if some children's lives are valued compared to others particularly the Yemeni and Pakistani children who have been witnessing and experience massacres due to continual drone attacks by US military in their home countries.
"Americans Kill People" Michael Moore
Bath School Massacre: One of the deadliest and unknown school massacres in American history occured in 1927 in Massachusettes.
The Killing of America: A documentary about the history of the violent and disturbing decline of American society prior to 9/11 and 21st century as a result of the culture of violence that has long gone unchallenged and somewhat ignored in society. Interesting fact: The documentary has never been featured in the US but has been broadcast in various countries around the world.
Terrorism in the US before September 11th
The history the media ignores or chooses not tell.Wall Street Bombing September 1920
Los Angeles Times bombing 1910
1919 Anarchist bombings
United Snacks of America:
American History explained by way of snacks
Revolution and Social Media
2 Child Limit placed on Muslims in Myanmar
Sundance 2012: SPike Lee's Cowriter joins race discussions
Real technological impetus for change in Arab world was never facebook
Koran Burning Dehumanizing Muslims
Youtube: Muslims Imposing Sharia Law in East London?
Extremist vigilantes in the video do not represent the majority of Muslims living in East London who are not extreme or violent but are trying to live their lives like other Britons. As the article writes, these vigilantes give ordinary and everyday Muslims a bad name.
Celebrating Magaret Thatcher's Death in London
The Boogeyman of Hollywood
Axis of Evil: Hollywood smear North Koreans with Olympus have fallenVideo Games: Representing Islam, Arab world and reality
Can We talk? The Middle East "Peace industry"Digital Arabs: Representation in Video Games. Must read
Serious Games Interactive Game developers in Denmark create video games to educate gamers on current events, cultures, issues & wider world.
Video games in the Arab World & Beyond
Straight but narrow: LGTBQ rights in Middle East
Architects of Fear
Kid to mom: Mom why are Muslim women always covering their hair? What is a veil?
Media has been used by both governments and ordinary people to dehumanize so called the other of the world
and enemies during wartime and even in peace time. Beginning in ancient times with the ancient Greeks, Persians, etc.
Dehumanization has led to severe consequences to people in the former colonial, developing world.
From Libya to Algeria, Palestine, Indonesia and China, U.S. mainstream media has dehumanized millions of ordinary
people as it became the new superpower in post world war I atmosphere and pushed for Democracy. From the Monroe Doctrine keeping the European colonial powers
out of Latin America and Caribbean but suppressing self determination for ordinary people of the region during 19th-20th centuries to the recent occupation and destruction of Iraq.
Aggressive Foreign Policy has been justified by pundits, politicians and so called experts on the Middle East, Africa, Asia, etc
on behalf of promoting human rights, womens rights, freedom, peace and Democracy similiar to Europe or U.S. instead of allowing non-Democratic countries to allow it to grow from the ground up.
Through the lens of vilifying anyone challenging American, European and Israeli foreign policies in the Middle East and Africa, numerous pundits have demonised citizen protests against aggressive foreign policy, horrifying wars, destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine-Israel, Sri Lanka, etc while quoting government officials without challenging the wars in above countries or examining the history of the colonized world, consequences of disproportional force on civilian populations or exhalation of "fight the terrorists over there." Politicians and lobbyists, similar to their predecessors with aid from media pundits such as O'Reilly, Daniel Pipes and Glen Beck have continued to equated Muslims regardless of country, culture, history and hertiage with otherness, orientalism, irrational violence and terrorism. Guilty by association has left a lasting wound and impression on many countries who view U.S. foreign policy and silence from western governments as compliancy with the destruction of Iraq, occupation of Palestine, misunderstanding and ignorance about the troubles and instability numerous African countries. At the same time humor has also served through its sacraism to reveal an unflattering truth about the ignorance of politicians, reporters and ordinary people when it comes understanding history of Middle East and Africa.
Malala Yousefzai and the White Savior Complex
Islamic Concept of Jihad
Jihad is Not Holy War
Ramadan Coca Cola commercial from Turkey "Coca Cola brings families together for Ramadan"
Palestine does exist: Robot Chicken Rock Lord toys in Palestine & America
Robot Chicken, the famed stop motion series on the nightly Adult Swim program of Cartoon Network featured Palestine as a country in its skit Rock Lords about ungrateful children and parents who go to great lengths to appease their children's wishes for the best Christmas gift. This is significant for a comedy skit because for the first time Palestine is mentioned as one of many existing countries in the world. A Palestinian (Christian) family is treated on equal level with an American family. This probably the first time that also Palestinian Christian community and Palestinian Christians have been portrayed on cable TV and in the form of a comedic skit that doesn't paint the typical image of the Middle east as synonymous with Islam while ignoring the millions of Christians Arab, Armenian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Mandeanan, etc who are some of the world's oldest Christians (Christianity did not originate in Europe but Palestine and spread across Mesoapatima, Egypt, Ethiopia and North Africa before reaching Europe. Nor is it the sole ownership of Europeans) following a range of domination Syric Church, Coptic, Maronites, Armenian, East Orthodox (both Greek and Arabic). We see an ordinary Palestinian family watching their son unwrapped his gift (in the same manner as an American child in the beginning of the clip) a rocklord toy that he folds up and transforms into a stone to throw an Israeli soldier near his house. Robot Chicken has dealt with Israel Palestine as a topic before but not on a human level such as the skit above. The previous skits focused on the peace talks via a comical take on the Fanta commerical in the skit below.
Do you Wanna Fanta?
Palestinian and Israeli leaders experience the Fanta rush during a peace treaty signing.
Reel Bad Arabs, film
Reel Bad Arabs, book
Reel Bad Arabs An excellent documentary that exposes the history of stereotypes of Arab people and vilification of the Arab World and culture from colonialism to today in popular culture, Hollywood and mainstream media. Examines the role of how history, culture, foreign policy and current events helps in creating the "Arab oriental others." Produced and narrated by the renown Media critic and Professor Jack Shaheen. Shaheen is the author of numerous books among them, "Reel Bad Arabs" from where the documentary emerged and "Guilty: Hollywood's Verdict on Arabs after 9/11" a follow up back to 1996 Reel Bad Arabs.
Looks at Arab stereotypes from Shaheen's Reel Bad Arabs and its relationship to Israel-Palestine conflict from 1948-present, Iraq and Islam
Synopsis by Information Clearing House: John Pilger vividly reveals the brutality and murderous political ambitions of the Pol Pot / Khmer Rouge totalitarian regime which bought genocide and despair to the people of Cambodia while neighboring countries, including Australia, shamefully ignored the immense human suffering and unspeakable crimes that bloodied this once beautiful country. Filmed and produced in 1979. Without music, some scenes are graphic and violent. Younger viewers have been advised.
The image of ordinary Muslims (with ranging diversity) has gradually become realistic. However, American, Israeli and European comedy shows, series and films shamefully follow the mainstream media stereotypes and misunderstanding about the Islam for comic effect. Political satire helps to overlook the positive images of Muslims, their lives and relationships and promote the familiar popular culture stereotypes. However, outside the slapstick comedies there are many animated short films from around the world that examine the war on terrorism's effects on Middle East, Asia and Africa. Below are some unusual animated films that shows the viewer a day in life of Palestine, Iraq, France, UK, etc for everyday Muslims, their neighbors and their coreligious brothers.
Wall in My Heart Animated film for teenagers designed by Syrian 3D company Afkar Media, creators of two Intifada Games Under Ash and Under Siege. Wall in My Heart uses black comedy to take the view through the life of a Palestinian family living under occupation.
Palestinian (original title) Filistini BİR ÇOCUĞUN DRAMI (çizgi film)
A film that shows the viewer the current Israeli Occupation in occupied Palestine through the lives of a father and son. The son is one of the infamous stone throwers during the second Intifada while the father becomes a suicide bomber upon his son's death. The brutal military occupation including home demolition, building seperation/Apartheid Wall, destruction of olive orchards, killings of children & is shown to be the root cause of the father and Palestinians' grievances (not religious devotion or interpretation) and his conviction for making the decision to blow himself and other innocence on an Israeli bus in an unidentified Israeli town.
Muhammad Al Durrah Another film that depicts the occupation and Al Aqsa Intifada in occupied Jerusalem and talks of child martyrdom to in order to free one's homeland. Controversial film, to some, it also tells the story of a Palestinian-American visiting his relatives in occupied Jerusalem during the height of the Second Intifada in which hundreds of children were killed throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers. Thus why half the story reveals around child martyrdom and idea of a better life after death faced with relentless violence from a stronger military power. The story of 12 year old Muhammad Al Durrah who was shot dead by Israeli troops while ducking with his father from a hail of bullets is also retold. In Arabic, without subtitles.
The most well known are: Islam and Muslims are backwards, violent and irrational, Islam oppresses women, they always wear the burqa or veil, have no freedom beyond religion or even in their private lives, all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs, (although there are millions of Arab Christians (orthodox, coptic, catholic, etc) and Jews (mizrahi, orthodox, haredi, etc) also living in Arab countries and the largest Muslim countries are in Asia) even Islam & Muslims in Asia & Africa are regard as belonging to TV's "dangerous Arab world", all Muslims live either in the desert or in violent countries, condone terrorism and always the Other. All these stereotypes are done for laughs and giggles or social commentary. Rarely do the comedians look at the consequences of their imagery and what it means for the people who are stereotype. After all as the humorists say, "Everyone should laugh at themselves" which is not a bad thing. But when the humor is always aimed at people who are regarded by default because of politics to be 1 dimensional terrorists than one often begins to wonder why. Though the more straightforward stereotypes of orientalism and colonialism are have been replaced and occasionally rebroadcast on TV, there are now plenty of subtle caricatures depicting the Arab World, Asia, Africa, Islam and Muslims as Others.
Having said that, below are humourous clips from famous comedy shows, series, etc from U.S., Europe & Israel commenting on the post 9/11 world as it relates to Middle East, Muslims, Islam and war on terror. Enjoy! The titles for each section are phrases, (used as puns here) used by media experts, politicians and pundits in discussions about terror, Muslim World and its relations to the West
Barak Obama and Bibi Netanyhu Eretz Nehederat on Signing the Peace Deal
The Three Terrors
This animation was made by Balad, an Israeli Palestinian (often dubbed Israeli Arabs by Israelis and their supporters but known as 1948 Palestinians by Palestinians in occupied Palestine) political party in Israel representing Israeli Palestinian. It featured Lieberman and other well known right wing leaders of various Israeli parties singing the Hatikva (national anthem of Israel) in Arabic and dancing Debka. Its a comedic protest against increasing continual right wing direction Israel is heading towards not just at the high levels of government but also within society itself.
Al Jazeera Mad TV Parody, "Death to America!"
Ben Laden et ses enfants, Bin Laden & his children, Les Guignols de l'info, France
Borat is interviewed by an Israeli journalist
Borat interview: Interviewer is Jewish
Mofaz the depressed persian tow truck man!
An almost serious Terrorist suicide Video, Mad TV parody
Price is Right Al Jazeera, Madtv
Passport check, Israel
Bin Laden et Omar, Les Guignols de l'Info, France
Media manipulation, Le Guignols de l'Info
Bush & World Co: We work for the Beauty of America, Les Guignols
End of the Bush Era
Solving immigration en France, Les Guignols
Israel's controversial Aparthied Wall commercial for Cellcom Cellphone
Opera in Masada-Eretz Nehederet: Netanyhu, Liberman and settler says no to a Palestinian State at the UN in a classical way. Must watch!
Al Helm al Arabi, LBC, Lebanon: Arab leaders sing for Peace in and between their countries in hopes of encouraging the revival of Pan arabism
Iraqi Protesters against U.S., MAD TV
iRack, clever MAD TV parody of Americans' failures to see instability of Iraq caused by U.S. invasion & war
Ping Pong Revenge (Comedy on Israel-Palestine conflict), U.S.
A collage of images, videos and commentaries from popular and famous American films, TV shows, news commentors and cartoons dehumanizing Arab culture, Islam, Muslims across the world, Middle East and diversity of Arab World.
Anti Arab Bias Part 1
CNN Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer interviewed both Hussein Ibish, Rep. Daryl Issa and Time Magazine's Michael Weisskopf to talk about Anti-arab racism in U.S. from culture, politics and everyday life only a few months after September 11th. Originally broadcasted May 2002 during the second Intifada in Palestine-Israel, bombing of Afghanistan and rising terrorism in Pakistan.
American Dad: Show about a patriotic CIA agent Stan Smith who fights terrorism (uses stereotypical portrayals of Muslims and Middle East for most of its humor)
Stan panics upon learning his neighbors of Arab Americans
Family Guy: Creators of American Dad, follows a Rhode Island family similiar to the Simpsons
American Dad: "Life in Saudi Arabia" Hayley falls in love with a Saudi man who the viewer is led to be is a terrorist but ends up being a Sharawma seller
Through the lens of vilifying anyone challenging American, European and Israeli foreign policies in the Middle East and Africa, numerous pundits have demonised citizen protests against aggressive foreign policy, horrifying wars, destruction of Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine-Israel, Sri Lanka, etc while quoting government officials without challenging the wars in above countries or examining the history of the colonized world, consequences of disproportional force on civilian populations or exhalation of "fight the terrorists over there." Politicians and lobbyists, similar to their predecessors with aid from media pundits such as O'Reilly, Daniel Pipes and Glen Beck have continued to equated Muslims regardless of country, culture, history and hertiage with otherness, orientalism, irrational violence and terrorism. Guilty by association has left a lasting wound and impression on many countries who view U.S. foreign policy and silence from western governments as compliancy with the destruction of Iraq, occupation of Palestine, misunderstanding and ignorance about the troubles and instability numerous African countries. At the same time humor has also served through its sacraism to reveal an unflattering truth about the ignorance of politicians, reporters and ordinary people when it comes understanding history of Middle East and Africa.
Malala Yousefzai and the White Savior Complex
Islamic Concept of Jihad
Jihad is Not Holy War
The Muslims are coming! Going Underground RT
On the fears of extremism in the UK and blaming Palestinians for illegal Israeli settlements aka colonies in Occupied Palestine.Explaining away the brutal Israeli occupation in Palestine
Israel supporters and pundits will always find a reason or an excuse to justify Israel's heavy handed use of military force and crack down on Palestinians men, women and children no matter how harsh or collective punishment for a militant terrorist group's actions in the form of rockets or bombings.
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The Pundits and Israel supporters say: "Those people (Palestinians) are their own worst enemies. If only they loved their children more than they hate Israel." |
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Some of the "collateral damage" as presented on news feeds |
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"But they were warned in advanced that Israeli forces were bombing Gaza." Gaza is one of the densely crowded placed on Earth. Most families in Gaza have nowhere to run or hide during an incursion or bombing As British journalist Robert Fisk correctly said, "Israel knows its bombing children." |
The Arab World, Middle East and North Africa as you have never seen it. The real images of peoples and places the mainstream media ignores
Muslim family holds the keys to the Church of the Holy Sepcture
Palestine's first ever International marathon Right to Run Marathon highlighting the lack and denial of right of movement for Palestinians under occupation in West Bank.
Palestine's first ever International marathon Right to Run Marathon highlighting the lack and denial of right of movement for Palestinians under occupation in West Bank.
Fly Over Egypt (Official Music Video from the Narcycist)
Beautiful Music video dedicated to the Egyptian People made by Iraqi Canadian Hiphop Artist The Narcycist (Post Revolution Egypt but still beautiful)
Children's music video paying homage to loving parents both mother and fathers who provide and care for their sons and daughters equally. (Yet another image and aspect of Arab families that is completely ignored in western & mainstream media.)
Ramadan Coca Cola commercial from Turkey "Coca Cola brings families together for Ramadan"
Egypt Flash mob at the Mall (the flash mob has become universal :)
Palestine does exist: Robot Chicken Rock Lord toys in Palestine & America
Robot Chicken, the famed stop motion series on the nightly Adult Swim program of Cartoon Network featured Palestine as a country in its skit Rock Lords about ungrateful children and parents who go to great lengths to appease their children's wishes for the best Christmas gift. This is significant for a comedy skit because for the first time Palestine is mentioned as one of many existing countries in the world. A Palestinian (Christian) family is treated on equal level with an American family. This probably the first time that also Palestinian Christian community and Palestinian Christians have been portrayed on cable TV and in the form of a comedic skit that doesn't paint the typical image of the Middle east as synonymous with Islam while ignoring the millions of Christians Arab, Armenian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Mandeanan, etc who are some of the world's oldest Christians (Christianity did not originate in Europe but Palestine and spread across Mesoapatima, Egypt, Ethiopia and North Africa before reaching Europe. Nor is it the sole ownership of Europeans) following a range of domination Syric Church, Coptic, Maronites, Armenian, East Orthodox (both Greek and Arabic). We see an ordinary Palestinian family watching their son unwrapped his gift (in the same manner as an American child in the beginning of the clip) a rocklord toy that he folds up and transforms into a stone to throw an Israeli soldier near his house. Robot Chicken has dealt with Israel Palestine as a topic before but not on a human level such as the skit above. The previous skits focused on the peace talks via a comical take on the Fanta commerical in the skit below.
Do you Wanna Fanta?
Palestinian and Israeli leaders experience the Fanta rush during a peace treaty signing.
Al Nakba: Palestine 58 years later
A short documentary made in 2006 on the history of Palestine-Israel conflict showing the human sideAbu Janti, a Comedic soap opera from Syria about a Damascus Taxi Driver Abu Janti who always attempts to help his passengers and friends whenever he can. It features beautiful scenes of Damascus before the current Syrian Civil war
The Narcycist TED Talk Dubai
HipHop artist The Narcycist real alias Yassin Al Salman who grew up in Dubai and Abu Dhabi and currently lives in Canada as a mild manner journalist recalls the pain of lost, the double identities and family connections many migrants and peoples in general carry and how many of us are global nomads in our own ways even its not obviousHow Not to Write About Africa
Africa Addio: Stereotypes Galore or How Not to Film Africa
Africa Addio is a 1966 Italian pro white European colonialist shockumentary not documentary about the end of the colonial era in Africa. The film was released in a shorter format under the names "Africa Blood and Guts" in the USA and "Farewell Africa" in the UK. Created by two Italian Filmmakers Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi, who became famous (along with co-director Paolo Cavara) as the directors of Mondo Cane in 1962. This film ensured the viability of the so-called Mondo film genre, a cycle of "shockumentaries"- documentaries featuring sensational topics.Africa Addio
Reel Bad Arabs, film
Reel Bad Arabs, book
Reel Bad Arabs An excellent documentary that exposes the history of stereotypes of Arab people and vilification of the Arab World and culture from colonialism to today in popular culture, Hollywood and mainstream media. Examines the role of how history, culture, foreign policy and current events helps in creating the "Arab oriental others." Produced and narrated by the renown Media critic and Professor Jack Shaheen. Shaheen is the author of numerous books among them, "Reel Bad Arabs" from where the documentary emerged and "Guilty: Hollywood's Verdict on Arabs after 9/11" a follow up back to 1996 Reel Bad Arabs.
Reel Bad Arabs Part 1
Reel Bad Arabs Part 2
Reel Bad Arabs Part 3
Reel Bad Arabs Part 4
Reel Bad Arabs Part 5
Reel Bad Arabs-Muslim Bridges
Looks at Arab stereotypes from Shaheen's Reel Bad Arabs and its relationship to Israel-Palestine conflict from 1948-present, Iraq and Islam
The Siege
A clever low budget independent British film about British terrorists trying to manufacture destructive weapons. Film does not demonize, vilify nor portray the middle East or Arab World in a negative light.No Way Through
Independent film puts British people in the shoes of Palestinians living under Israeli occupationRiz Khan-Arabs in Hollywood pt 1
Riz Khan-Arabs in Hollywood pt 2
Before War was Censure: Films
This ground level, humane view of the non-western world use to be the type of journalism and news reporting that played on local news channels during the Cold War before the age of corporate media and Cable TV beginning with CNN in 1980. Also absence is media sensationalism and quest for ratings rampant in today's media world. Unfortunately, mainstream journalism has gone from this ground level and up close view of ordinary people in war zones to far distance, always military voice, and government viewpoints journalism we know today.Gaza Strip: Punish the children
The blockade, horrors and destruction in the Gaza Strip unleashed by Israeli military has not only destroyed the infrastructure and economy but has effective the psyche and growth of Gazan children. The media has long ignored the effects war and occupation has on children especially in Palestine where children are constantly faced with the violence of the adult world that most children in the world live occasionally. Being children and growing up in normalcy is constantly interrupted by military jets, tanks and an anti civilian injust bureaucracy. Children rights organization constantly reiterate that No child should have to grow up seeing horrors such as war, bombing, death of loved ones siblings and parents especially, the destruction of their homes, schools and community center (actions carried out by Israel in the name of fighting the War on Terrorism and supported by the U.S.) or have to face a world that has turned a cold shoulder to their suffering dismissing them as future terrorists or suicide bombers undeserving of sympathy due to the actions of their adult neighbors or family members. Despite child and human rights organizations emphasize of a safe world for children, the mainstream media pays minimal attention to the suffering of Palestinian children and children across the Arab world in war zones. Ignoring Occupation presents films and documentaries on Palestinian children and their tribulations in the world.Children of Gaza
Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia, 30th Anniversary of Cambodian Holocaust
Synopsis by Information Clearing House: John Pilger vividly reveals the brutality and murderous political ambitions of the Pol Pot / Khmer Rouge totalitarian regime which bought genocide and despair to the people of Cambodia while neighboring countries, including Australia, shamefully ignored the immense human suffering and unspeakable crimes that bloodied this once beautiful country. Filmed and produced in 1979. Without music, some scenes are graphic and violent. Younger viewers have been advised.
Islam, Muslims and non-Western world in pop culture:
Various clips of how Islam, Muslims & non-Western world are portrayed in popular films, video games & TV shows shown on Fox, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, etc. Many episodes are re aired, rebroadcasted and repeated on TV weekly and online including Saturdays and Sundays throughout the day and evening. Most TV portrayals of Muslims and non-Western world as a whole have gradually changed over the years. However humor in popular culture using Comedy (the reigning TV and film genre) to showcase still follows the negative stereotypes of the past in a subtle way directly and indirectly othering of the Muslim Worlds. However handful of shows, film and series have produced, encouraged and promoted realistic portrayals of Muslims and their neighbors particulary in post-9/11 world. Among the well known and undiscovered shows with postive and human portrays of Islam and Muslim life include, Little Mosque on the Prarie, West Bank Story and occasionally in popular cartoon shows do we see a Muslim mother, sister, neighbor or teacher who are like everyone else. Simpsons featured an episode about a Muslim American family who Bart Simpson befriends while learning about Arab culture, media fear and hysteria caused by War on Terror.The image of ordinary Muslims (with ranging diversity) has gradually become realistic. However, American, Israeli and European comedy shows, series and films shamefully follow the mainstream media stereotypes and misunderstanding about the Islam for comic effect. Political satire helps to overlook the positive images of Muslims, their lives and relationships and promote the familiar popular culture stereotypes. However, outside the slapstick comedies there are many animated short films from around the world that examine the war on terrorism's effects on Middle East, Asia and Africa. Below are some unusual animated films that shows the viewer a day in life of Palestine, Iraq, France, UK, etc for everyday Muslims, their neighbors and their coreligious brothers.
Animated movies on War on Terror & its consequences:
Animated films from around the world go beyond, "they are all violent terrorists & irrational fundamentalists" mantra to show the lives of ordinary people, Islam and relationships with neighbors, families and friends.Wall in My Heart Animated film for teenagers designed by Syrian 3D company Afkar Media, creators of two Intifada Games Under Ash and Under Siege. Wall in My Heart uses black comedy to take the view through the life of a Palestinian family living under occupation.
Palestinian (original title) Filistini BİR ÇOCUĞUN DRAMI (çizgi film)
A film that shows the viewer the current Israeli Occupation in occupied Palestine through the lives of a father and son. The son is one of the infamous stone throwers during the second Intifada while the father becomes a suicide bomber upon his son's death. The brutal military occupation including home demolition, building seperation/Apartheid Wall, destruction of olive orchards, killings of children & is shown to be the root cause of the father and Palestinians' grievances (not religious devotion or interpretation) and his conviction for making the decision to blow himself and other innocence on an Israeli bus in an unidentified Israeli town.
Muhammad Al Durrah Another film that depicts the occupation and Al Aqsa Intifada in occupied Jerusalem and talks of child martyrdom to in order to free one's homeland. Controversial film, to some, it also tells the story of a Palestinian-American visiting his relatives in occupied Jerusalem during the height of the Second Intifada in which hundreds of children were killed throwing rocks at Israeli soldiers. Thus why half the story reveals around child martyrdom and idea of a better life after death faced with relentless violence from a stronger military power. The story of 12 year old Muhammad Al Durrah who was shot dead by Israeli troops while ducking with his father from a hail of bullets is also retold. In Arabic, without subtitles.
The most well known are: Islam and Muslims are backwards, violent and irrational, Islam oppresses women, they always wear the burqa or veil, have no freedom beyond religion or even in their private lives, all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs, (although there are millions of Arab Christians (orthodox, coptic, catholic, etc) and Jews (mizrahi, orthodox, haredi, etc) also living in Arab countries and the largest Muslim countries are in Asia) even Islam & Muslims in Asia & Africa are regard as belonging to TV's "dangerous Arab world", all Muslims live either in the desert or in violent countries, condone terrorism and always the Other. All these stereotypes are done for laughs and giggles or social commentary. Rarely do the comedians look at the consequences of their imagery and what it means for the people who are stereotype. After all as the humorists say, "Everyone should laugh at themselves" which is not a bad thing. But when the humor is always aimed at people who are regarded by default because of politics to be 1 dimensional terrorists than one often begins to wonder why. Though the more straightforward stereotypes of orientalism and colonialism are have been replaced and occasionally rebroadcast on TV, there are now plenty of subtle caricatures depicting the Arab World, Asia, Africa, Islam and Muslims as Others.
Having said that, below are humourous clips from famous comedy shows, series, etc from U.S., Europe & Israel commenting on the post 9/11 world as it relates to Middle East, Muslims, Islam and war on terror. Enjoy! The titles for each section are phrases, (used as puns here) used by media experts, politicians and pundits in discussions about terror, Muslim World and its relations to the West
Not distinction: Israel, America and Europe laughs at Muslims, "Hamas" "Islamic" terrorists and G'had
Opera in the Masada: Netanyhu, Liberman and settlers say no to peaceful creation of a Palestinian State in a "Opera and classic" way! A Must See!Barak Obama and Bibi Netanyhu Eretz Nehederat on Signing the Peace Deal
The Three Terrors
Hatikva Avridor Lieberman sings Arabic (sorry only available and subbed in Hebrew & Arabic)
This animation was made by Balad, an Israeli Palestinian (often dubbed Israeli Arabs by Israelis and their supporters but known as 1948 Palestinians by Palestinians in occupied Palestine) political party in Israel representing Israeli Palestinian. It featured Lieberman and other well known right wing leaders of various Israeli parties singing the Hatikva (national anthem of Israel) in Arabic and dancing Debka. Its a comedic protest against increasing continual right wing direction Israel is heading towards not just at the high levels of government but also within society itself.
Al Jazeera Mad TV Parody, "Death to America!"
Ben Laden et ses enfants, Bin Laden & his children, Les Guignols de l'info, France
Borat is interviewed by an Israeli journalist
Borat interview: Interviewer is Jewish
Mofaz the depressed persian tow truck man!
An almost serious Terrorist suicide Video, Mad TV parody
Price is Right Al Jazeera, Madtv
Passport check, Israel
Bin Laden et Omar, Les Guignols de l'Info, France
Media manipulation, Le Guignols de l'Info
Bush & World Co: We work for the Beauty of America, Les Guignols
End of the Bush Era
Solving immigration en France, Les Guignols
Israel's controversial Aparthied Wall commercial for Cellcom Cellphone
Hoping 4 Peace: Laughing at Gaza war, AIPAC, occupation of Palestine, Afghanistan & Iraq
Opera in Masada-Eretz Nehederet: Netanyhu, Liberman and settler says no to a Palestinian State at the UN in a classical way. Must watch!
Les guignols de l'info - Vente d'armes aux USA
Both humourist and not so funny faux-PSA by Les Guignols about gun violence and
random shootings in U.S. in which inoncent bystanders bear the brunt
Indecision 5768, John Stewart parody on Israel Lobby AIPAC's role in U.S. elections & U.S. politicians choosen by their loyalty to Israel
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Indecision 5768 | ||||
Iraqi Protesters against U.S., MAD TV
iRack, clever MAD TV parody of Americans' failures to see instability of Iraq caused by U.S. invasion & war
Ping Pong Revenge (Comedy on Israel-Palestine conflict), U.S.
Satirizing BBC on Gaza-Israel war, Eretz Nehederet Israeli SNL
Le Guerre en Irak, Les Guignols de l'info
BBC Satire: Israel-Palestinian Conflict,
Israel, summer 2007, Channel 2
Shopping in Israel
Une bavure des GI américains en Irak
Afghanistan vs American Army Les Guignols de l'info
Arab Labour: Lighter side of Arab Israeli life, Israel
Arab labour is an award winning comedy series poking fun at the stigmas and stereotypes of everyday reality in Israel-Palestine between Israelis and Palestinians
An Iraqi throw a shoe toward G. Bush, Les Guignols de l'info, France
Américains stupides (Dumb Americans) Les Guignols de l'info, parody of U.S. bombing not distinction Afghan civilians & Taliban
Good Morning Kabul, Les Guignols de l'info
Journalist en Irak, Les Guignols de l'info
Vendre la guerra (Irak), Les Guignols
Dehumanization of a People anti-Arab racism
A collage of images, videos and commentaries from popular and famous American films, TV shows, news commentors and cartoons dehumanizing Arab culture, Islam, Muslims across the world, Middle East and diversity of Arab World.
Anti Arab Bias Part 1
CNN Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer interviewed both Hussein Ibish, Rep. Daryl Issa and Time Magazine's Michael Weisskopf to talk about Anti-arab racism in U.S. from culture, politics and everyday life only a few months after September 11th. Originally broadcasted May 2002 during the second Intifada in Palestine-Israel, bombing of Afghanistan and rising terrorism in Pakistan.
American Dad: Show about a patriotic CIA agent Stan Smith who fights terrorism (uses stereotypical portrayals of Muslims and Middle East for most of its humor)
Stan panics upon learning his neighbors of Arab Americans
Family Guy: Creators of American Dad, follows a Rhode Island family similiar to the Simpsons
American Dad: "Life in Saudi Arabia" Hayley falls in love with a Saudi man who the viewer is led to be is a terrorist but ends up being a Sharawma seller
Media has so greatly out-grown as an institution that its leaders as well as ordinary journalists can not now sit down and introspect on the rationale of the foundation-principles of the profession. They blindly choose news that would interest people !Any question beyond this angle and priority is blasphemy to their ears. Better such preachers call upon prostitutes, or underworld operators to review the rationale of their professions ! All are same as far as institutionalization of their professions are concerned.