La histoire du Centrafrique et Congo

Two documentaries on the history of Central African Republic. Finding detailed history on the Central African Republic in English is a little difficult. The French go into more detail on CAR's recent and earlier history. The documentary below focuses on the long reign, extravagance and the post independence in CAR and its relations to Franceafrique and France in general. Accompanying the documentary below is a podcast about French domination not only in the Central African Republic but in other parts of Africa. Whether it be through military, economic, political, diplomatic and even cultural, France has found a reason to intervene into African countries' affairs either to protect its interests, limit China's influence across the region and access to resources or to keep its sphere of influences from declining. As Francois Mitterrand once prophesied, "France would be a third world power without Africa." Also see Speak Africa Speak again section on Central African Republic. At the end are two documentaries on CAR's large nieghbor Democratic Republic of Congo, its history and fifty year old resource fueled conflict involving its neighbors Uganda and Rwanda and their respective self interests.

Notre Ami l'Empereur Bokassa Ier

Nuestro amigo, el Emperador Bokassa I del Imperio de la República Centroafrica
Our Friend Emperor Bokassa the First of the former Empire of Central African Republic

La France en Centrafrique: Une histoire de dominaion
Francia en la República Centroafrica, Una historia de dominación 

Mobutu, Roi Du Zaire 1 La Conquete Du Pouvoir

Mobutu, el rey de Zaire (Congo) la conquista poderosa 
The Life and Times of Mobutu Seseko, Congo's most infamous ruler
Part 1

The true history of Patrice Lumumba, his assination and the plot to have him removed as a revolutionary leader that could have united Congo and promoted African unity and stability in Central Africa
