Updates on Libya

First fighting a war against Gaddhafi and his supporters now fighting for keeping power

Once Upon of time in Libya

After three years of Libya's new found Democracy via an uncertain political future, Libya still remains unstable. The creation of a national government prior to Gaddhafi's death sought to bring Libyan style (heavily influenced by the US Democratic system) Democratic institutions, elections and freedoms unknown to Libya prior to Gaddhafi's departure. Libya was until 2011, a highly developed African country in terms of critical infrastructure, high literacy rates, transportation systems, public access to education and housing that Gadhaffi for all his faults and vices, went to great lengths to secure. Libya did not need to rely on foreign aid for development nor was it bound by IMF and World Bank financial structural adjustments. Libya almost had no foreign debt. It was mentioned that Libya had high amount of reserves in its own banks. All the praise that Libya had received from other African countries who did not always support Gaddhafi, was often scoffed by Western countries who regarded Gaddhafi as a mad dog and a megalomaniac. His quest to provide for Libyan people with equal access to social services that would be applauded in the United States or Europe if carried out by the president or prime minister was casted as overly ambitious or unworkable. Gaddhafi's current project was the creation of a great man made lake to bring water to the desert including to hundreds of Libyans facing sca. The man made lake's half constructed infrastructure was equally bombed by NATO planes during the 2011 bombings of Libya's military infrastructure that extended to civilian infrastructure.

Militias intimidate everyone

The Libyan government has been unable to convince armed militias still independently operating to lay down their weapons. Militias formerly known as rebels operate as self entitled liberators in ghost town of Tarwegha and harassing as well as attacking people often Gadhaffi supporters in Bani Walid and African migrants in Benghazi. Protesters in Benghazi and other Libyan cities continue to storm local parliaments angered by the lack of security for protesters and wider society. As for the Tarweghans, a French advocate has offered to defend the massacre victims who still live in IDP camps in Tripoli's former military camps. In recent days, militias from Ras Lanouf have extended their operations from fighting competiing militia forces and anti government protesters, to threatening to attack a North Korean tanker. Their justification for threatening the tanker is the amount of illegal oil the tanker is accused of shipping. Fortunately, the Libyan government has stepped in to halt the confrontation between the international tanker and local militias. 
