Algérie : l'exploitation du gaz de schiste A In Salah - الشروق تحقق : الغاز الصخري
In the town of In Salah, Algeria, multinational gas companies/corporations have been exploring and drilling for Algerian shale gas for over a decade. Algeria, one of Africa's largest countries has been blessed with highly valuable natural resources ie petroleum or oil, petro chemicals gold, serving as part of the trans-Saharan routes and is the largest producer of natural gas in the world. Algerians have seen what their resources mean for other nations and the consequences of not allowing easy access like in Libya and Iraq. Touted as an alternative to rising depletion of the petroleum, United States, France and other countries have been investing their time and quests to pumping shale gas to continue feeding their consuming needs gas and petro, seeking energy independence as the United States has been advertising on TV, as well as creating reserves in case a second oil embargo emerges or access to the oil fields in Saudi, Nigeria, Venezuela or other OPEC countries is limited in the near future. Shale gas extraction is also happening in Romania, Spain and United States. The extracting process is literally one of the dirtier aspect of shale gas. It involves hydrofracking which fracking chemicals leads to polluting water supplies, earthquakes and lasting health problems. In turn many local residents in In Salah like elsewhere with gas drilling have turned out in hundreds to protest the multinational company in this case Halliburton's shale gas drilling. Many families in In Salah, an Oasis town in the far south of Algeria's Sahara Desert with few water resources, have condemned the drilling as not only hurting the town's people and nature life, but also siphoning and shipping gas off while leaving little for the town or Algerian people.
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