It is terrorism: New Zealand horror, 50 people killed by the terrorist next door

This is the home that empathy built: The cartoon above was drawn by Kiwi cartoonist Ruby Jones as a response to how New Zealand as whole felt in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attack at Al Nur Mosque and Linwood mosque. Al nur means the light in Arabic.

Cuando era joven, yo siempre pregunte porque? On March 15, 2019, Christchurch, New Zealand experienced and witnessed one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in the country's history. 50 innocent people, babies, families to elderly were brutally gundown by a 28 year old right wing, anti-immigrant, anti-islam and politically motived white terrorist named Brenton Tarrent. Tarrent is himself an Australian immigrant to New Zealand. Despite the New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden cautioning the public that the terrorist's name will not be mentioned to avoid any more press and possible copycats, his name should still be said to show the world the cowardly monster of the horrific attack. The names of ISIS supporters and attackers are often mentioned on the spot. The massacre of 50 people the 43 people at the Al Nur Mosque and 7 New Zealanders (some migrants, refugees and other Kiwi born) at Linwood mosque both in Christchurch, is terrorism to its core. Victims are New Zealanders or Kiwis some of who immigrated from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt and Syria. New Zealand is known more for being a quiet, relatively peaceful country. It is famed for its natural beauty, ancient Maori culture, language and hospitality being welcoming to migrants and visitors alike. Christchurch despite being a medium size city has mostly avoided the horrors of terrorism in other parts of the world. Mass shootings of this size are still rare in New Zealand and by extension in Australia. Both countries have strict gun laws and New Zealand government announced that the gun laws will change. Assault rifles have been banned in the country. Until this attack, Christchurch was known for surviving 2011 Earthquake that destroyed half the city but left only a few residents injured. The Bangaledeshi cricket team survived the shooting near Al Nur Mosque which borders a small park where the team was heading to practice before a test match. Some of the team members mentioned that the shooting has changed the perception of the country. And more, the attacks as with all terrorist attacks was meant to divide New Zealand but it has done the opposite.

The video below is a collection of global cartoonists' response to the terrorist attack in New Zealand. Some are disturbing for viewers. The cartoons come from the

Terror and demography: Fear of a black and brown planet 

The terrorist published his own manifesto online dubbed the great replacement and gave his justification as as a retaliation for the death of an 11 year old in Belgium as the final push to his horrific act. Like the Norwegian terrorist Anders Brevaik, who inspired Tarrant via the Vienna School ideology, Tarrant sees immigration replacing white Europeans in many Western countries. There are millions of Westerners who are non white. This replacement theory plays on the fear of not only the neo nazi groups but also mainstream conservatives, some moderates and the more paranoid Westerners and Japanese who see Muslim, Latino and African immigration or migration as a form of "white genocide," or "great replacement" of native citizens which is a load of nonsense or mierda. Keep in mind, there is a demographic change occurring in Western countries with low birth rates, reliance on automation and technology to make up for a shrinking labor force and population, health and societal changes. The world's increasing and large elderly populations lives in Japan, Western Europe, Australia and United States. But the fear of a bogey man mass immigration shouldn't be taken lightly nor is it a fringe idea confined to online forums of 4chan, dark web or an obscure mini doc that shows immigration as some kind of apocalyptic nightmare for the West. Politicians such as Donald Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban have indirectly echoed fears of mass immigration invading or replacing so called "native" peoples of their respective countries. George Soros is also blamed as an instigator of mass immigration for his donations and philanthropy for numerous global causes ranging from human rights to social development in the Global South. Despite Soros' response to Budapest, he is currently persona non grata in his birth country of Hungary, where Orban launched a Stop Soros campaign that became law in response to the Soros foundation operations and a fight against migration. All the while the media and right wing pundits feed into the migration fear of cyclical war from Samuel Huntington's clash of civilization in attempts to prove the recycled stereotypes that the East and West are not only different but can never coexist culturally, politically and economically together.

Tarrant's entire family and associates aren't yet being dragged to the police station and questioned for their connections to him or condemned as possible accomplices, like ISIS and takfiri terrorists who automatically become persona non grata each time an ISIS member carries out a terrorist attack. It's unlikely there will be a travel ban for some Australians. The horrific massacre has brought the world's attention back to the problem of the overlooked but equally dangerous white terrorists or Western terrorists (no matter if they're Australian, Japanese, European or American).

 It is the same great replacement conspiracy theory that drove the Pittsburgh Synagogue attacker. Tarrant has shown no remorse or regret and sees his attack as justified. He is not yet connected to any other underground or terrorist groups in the U.S. or any other Western country. When asked to comment on the terror attack in Christchurch, NZ, Trump condemned it but added that white supremacy was not necessarily a big problem. It's just a few people who had taken it to the extreme. Australia has been dealing with far right extremist groups for decades. Until 1980s, Australia actually had a white Australia policy though it was downplayed originally, where immigration to Australia was limited to Europeans. Also remember the aboriginal Australians lived in apartheid conditions for most of the 20th century. Mass immigration from Asia was discouraged despite Australia being geopgrahically in Asia and surrounded by Pacific island nations. The former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull opposed helping refugees fleeing Syria and Mynarmar and even turned a blind eye to asylum seekers being held in Australia's offshore prisons in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Turnbull like previous PMs held onto the country's strict migration policy of only allowing few aslyum seekers into the country. In recent years, Australia has denied visas to popular right wing activists like Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneaux.

The recent faux bomb threats against CNN, Soros and several Democrats were carried out by a disturbed Trump supporter Cesar Sayoc. The Justice department and FBI have confirmed on numerous occasions that white terrorism is a threat to the U.S. even above ISIS. Coinciding with the terrorist's arrest in New Zealand, the FBI announced that they had arrested 150 suspects by the end of 2018. There are currently 900 domestic terror investigations in the U.S. The FBI is not exaggerating in the immediate threat American terrorists pose to the public. They have been chasing, arresting and deradicalizing white supremacist/right wing terrorists for decades and still continue to go after the suspects before they launch their attacks. Even the pundits acknowledged that U.S. terrorists have killed more Americans than ISIS or any other foreigners. The Brookings Institute asked the relevant question if domestic terrorists should be treated in the same vain as ISIS. The groups ranging from anti-government to anti-religious and anti-Jewish groups who have a paranoid world view and see a conspiracy theory in everyday life.

Keep in mind that this terrorist attack occurred after a week long attacks by the Democrats, Republicans and the Israel first and pro-Zionist Israeli supporters against the new elected US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar who questioned the Israel Lobby's role in American policy in the Middle East. She continues to be vilified and ripped apart verbally by the right wing pundits of Fox News, online independent news pundits and creators and the US president man child Trump.

AN: Historically Europeans have always been a global minority on Earth which you wouldn't know from mainstream media. The majority of the world's population are African, Asians, Central and South Americans, indigenous peoples. Meanwhile, the Europeans (in Europe and the Diaspora including in Cono de Sur S. America) and Americans are under 15%. The statisticians and demographers are constantly calculating or recalculating. This is a story for another day.  
