Mother Nature is collapsing the US Army so too is COVID19 Climatic war series

The article below was originally focused on climate change and its effects on the U.S. military. However, with COVID19 causing economic, financial and social havoc within the U.S., the article has been fleshed out to include the virus. There are still many more bits and pieces that the article wasn't able to touch on. As the viral cases and policies change, so will the story. The US military, government and society are adjusting the best it can in its microscopic war. Yes the fight against Coronavirus or COVID19 is seen as a defensive war both socially and within the media. Unofficially its a biological war of a different kind. The military is responding to the virus the same way it would if the U.S. was warring with another country's military. Meanwhile Trump has crowned himself as wartime president (this is not a joke, he actually has a soft spot for the military) and even revived the Defense Production act to push the U.S. as a whole to start manufacturing N95 masks.  The states are already doing so. The last time the production act was used was during World War 2. Enjoy the read below.

As Coronavirus continues to tighten its grip on the United States, the U.S. military has also been hit hard by the virus. The USS Roosevelt, a nuclear powered air craft carrier stationed in the Pacific Island country of Guam (actually a US territory)  but based in San Diego, CA as part of the U.S. militarys's Pacific fleet has sent out a distress call to the navy via a conference call for help as a 100 hundred crew members have tested positive for Coronavirus or COVID19. The 100 members are among some 4,000 members aboard the aircraft carrier. The sergnant on board, Sergenant Brett Crozier who originally sent a memo to the Navy is attempting to keep the uninfected calm as the fear rises. The infection originally started 5 days ago when USS Roosevelt sent out its first health notification. To add insult to injury, today Sergenant Croizer was fired for simply reporting the infections. It appears the Pentagon and military are becoming stricter on reporting on COVID19's spread among its ranks both soldiers and commanders. The military including the Navy has been ordered to stay in place where some two hundred thousands soldiers are located in some 100+ military bases around the world. Combat training has also been scrapped. Another aircraft carrier USS Ronald Regean is reported to be facing their own coronavirus cases as well. The U.S. has the highest cases of Coronavirus at 600,000 cases (originally it was 250,000 when this article was written) and climbing along with 25,000 deaths despite the ongoing lockdowns and 2/3rd of the country staying at home as though on ordinary people are on house arrest. Worldwide the cases have hit over a 1 million cases with close to 126, 000 deaths. After climatic destruction, the microscopic war in the form of virus has caught the US military off guard by its rapid spread. National guardsmen have been activated and are currently helping state governments across the U.S. ie New York, California, Washington State, Michigan, etx on delivering supplies, checking stubborn civilian travelers for coronavirus at state border checkpoints and setting up critically needed field hospitals. Meanwhile Coast Guard personnel are also facing COVID19 infection rates even as they continue to patrol the coasts and soldiers along the now closed US borders. Civilian doctors and nurse continue to risk their lives to save thousands of people at hospitals solely focused on caring for COVID19. The numbers and military response is changing in real time.

With the grim announcement on March 30th by Trump and Doctor Antonio Fauci that the United States should be prepared to see a 100, 000 to 240,000 deaths from Coronavirus or COVID19, the Pentagon sent some 100,000 body bags to FEMA in advance. The estimated mortality rate which Trump also added, "we've done a good job" in preventing further deaths is similiar to British government's estimates of how many British will perish to the virus if the spread becomes worst case scenario even with a nationwide lock down taking affect in the UK. Fauci is also the Director of National Health Institute (aka NIH) and an immunologist and an esteemed member of the White House's Coronavirus Taskforce. He and Trump give daily press briefings in the Press Room.
Spain and Italy still have the highest death rates of the Western countries at 10, 000 each. Now the Pentagon is also warning military installations in Germany and elsewhere to stop reporting infections and deaths. This is to save face with its public image as the backbone of US nationalism, defense hard power of American Foreign Policy. To also assauge the military's fears of the unstoppable virus taking down the world's strongest military. Normally such difficulties would be kept out of the sight and minds of the public. But since the virus is infecting the military in real time, the microbe has shown the challenging reality of fighting biological warfare from within the body. The public and military are mentally and emotionally drained from the increase. On the Osan Airbase in Daegu, South Korea which was the epicenter of Coronavirus a month earlier, there are now 16 confirmed cases of sick airmen. Most of the essential Korean staff on US military base have been furloughed. Coronavirus has already killed a NJ national guardsman, killed one sailor and infected some 600 crewmen of the USS Roosevelt who have tested positive along with Sergnant Crozier for the virus.

It's been known for decades that the U.S. military had always been stretched to thin and too far. Overspending on military budgets and over stretching soldiers is what led to Soviet Union's eventual collapse in 1991. It is what caused the Roman Empire to collapse along side the Barbarian invasions. Now Mother Nature is also collapsing the US Army as she continues on her climate war. The virus is an additional attack that the miltiary and U.S health system is unable to manage the large flow of hundreds of thounsand patients and new cases. There are still massive floods, fatal winter storms, soon to arrive boiling summer heat across the U.S. The Pentagon has been preparing itself for climate change and anticipating reconstructing the U.S. critical infrastructure from Mother Nature's destruction instead of a foreign army. As been said before, the four elements of the Earth, Earth, wind, fire and water have all simanteously damaged American and global critical infrastructure for the past decades. The Pentagon remains the Defense department and other national security state that climate change and ecological damage is a national security threat on multiple fronts. We're not just speaking about damage within the U.S. but worldwide where US military installations are based. The arms of the US empire is not able to keep the virus at bay while trying to keep its wars in the Middle East going and deployment of uninvited secret troops in Sahel across West Africa.

The White House which is run by a child (Trump) and the frustrated adults pulling their hair out and banging their heads against their desks, continues to ignore the Pentagon's warning that the U.S. military which includes the Marines, Navy, infrantry troops, National Guard (which operates inside the U.S.) would not be able to cope with massive or even minimal destruction done to US' ecology,: fragile coastlines, air, sea lanes or river systems. Not to mention the old, crumbling and need of retrofiting buildings including schools, housing, military bases, power lines, dams, water sewage system, etc. The Army Corps Engineers originally formed in 1930s during the New Deal Era, is overwhelmed but responding as quickly as it can to climate destruction and implementing new programs. Many soldiers have already been injured, trapped, fallen ill or died from tornado destructions, heat exhausation and illness. Even though soldiers are used to training in high temperatures in training camps, bases and patrols. Soldiers living on base in Florida, Georgia and other states in deep South, Western desert states of California, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Texas with  high heat indexes have also complained of having their bodies pushed to the limit under extreme temps.
